Monday, July 7, 2008

i am taffy stuck and tongue tied

It's official. I work in Hawaii.

Today was day one at Pacific Wings. I arrived and still couldn't believe I was going through with this crazy idea. Today was basic first day stuff...fingerprints, ID/security badge paperwork, security training, and all that extremely boring stuff. I was having a hard time accepting the fact that my view from the ticket counter, which is outside, is Haleakala (picture #1 is my view). Haleakala is a volcano that forms almost 75% of Maui. You can learn more by checking out

I was able to see the aircrafts (picture #2) we fly at Pacific Wings, and I think it's safe to say that I will never be flying on this airline. They seriously make my tummy turn upside down just looking at them.

All in all, it was a boring work day, yet still quite amazing because it's a boring work day in hawaii. I just wish my bike would get here already. Taking a cab isn't helping with money, and these buses don't run early enough to get me there on time.

Looks like it'll be another early night in bed for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that looks like the set of wings. tell lowell i said what's up!