Tuesday, June 12, 2012

be a simple kind of man

In just one hour, Liam will be exactly 16 weeks old. I don't think I'll ever get used to him growing so quickly. Does any parent ever? People are constantly threatening me that time is going to just fly right on by now, and it makes me mad, sad & scared all at once. Mad because I know they're right- sixteen weeks ago feels like it was last night! Sad because I want to hold him in my arms forever. I want him to cry for me EVERY time I leave the room. I want to be his favorite person always. Yet, I know it won't be like this in about thirteen years. And third-of-ly*, it makes me scared because while I feel like I mastered a few skills in the past sixteen weeks, I'm still deathly afraid that I might screw him up somehow. I went back to work on April 21st and that was incredibly hard. I hated being away from him... no matter how long it was. After numerous conversations, Nestor and I decided we could try to make it work with me staying home and being a full time mommy. My final day with the rental car company was June 2nd & so far I'm happy with my decision. Liam has been giggling, drooling, rolling back & forth, and just becoming more adorable each day. I spend so much time with him that I end up accusing myself of being lazy for not doing small things around the house. I need to continuously remind myself that it's crucial to spend as much time with him while he's growing. And it's an absolute delight watching him grow. In two weeks we'll be flying to Philly so my family can meet Liam. I'm really looking forward to that. I just hope the plane ride is smooth! *I've been watching too much arrested development lately.