Monday, January 14, 2013

so i traveled back down that road

January 14th, 2013. Holy shit.

Usually, I base my writings exactly on my thoughts, so pardon me if this blog entry is all over the place.

Let's start with the high-light of my life: Mr. Liam Patrick Tapuro.
He is 10.5 months now. We've been planning his very first birthday party...or should I say bash? Seriously. If we were living in Philly, this kid would have a little cake and a couple family members over to sing happy birthday, but we are definitely not in Philly. We live in Hawaii where 1st birthdays are almost as important as a wedding reception. It will still be fun to celebrate though!

He just started walking a couple of days ago. That's when I realized babies learn to walk and then they learn to walk while wearing shoes. Watching him learn and develop new skills is absolutely thrilling to me.

Next topic: college. I went back to college in July 2012, and I'm currently in my third semester. Surprisingly, I've been getting decent grades. I guess when you have someone depending on you, you tend to look at your priorities a little differently. I'm also enjoying it. Oh, nursing. I'm going for my BSN as an RN. No, you read that correctly. The girl terrified of needles and blood is going to be pricking people and taking their blood amongst many other gross situations. Final topic: Back to the first statement... January 14th, 2013. Holy shit. 10 years ago was so long ago, but it seems like yesterday. Lately, I've been finding myself drifting back to those days and thinking about the kind of life I was living. I mean, I had so much fun, but wish I finished school at the time. Then again, I probably never would have made it to Maui if I had done so. Certain friends who are no longer in this world keep making appearances in my thoughts and dreams. Life truly does go on no matter what. I just wonder what it would be life if they were all still here and not robbed of the many years they still had ahead of themselves.

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