Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i'll tell them what the smile on my face meant

Yesterday, I had me some good times. I hung out with Viper after work for a while. We just ate food and passed out for an hour to B101 type music. It was actually pretty funny because I passed out on the bigger couch and he was all curled up on the love sofa. I heard our other roomie, Bill, getting out of a car so I woke up and went to my room. I left Viper curled up on the smaller sofa while Shania Twain's "Looks Like We Made It" played on the stereo. Hilarious.

After waking up, I sat out front and took two pictures of my view (photo# 1&2). When you first walk out my front door, you see Iao Valley (pronounce eee-oww). Absolutely beautiful to come out and see this site every morning.

Around 5:30ish I went and met up with a friend at Gianotto's. We drove further out western Maui to Waiehe. There's another valley out there and the road to get there was similar to Hana... lots of curves, narrow paths. The only scarier part is there is no guardrail. Pretty intense.

This was what I saw when I got out of the car (photo #3).

The valley overlooking the ocean. And when I turned around I saw the following (photo #4):

We went hiking through the trees and came upon a small pool of water (photo #5&6).

The weather was a lot cooler up here and I was already shivering so I decided not to go in the water. Instead I walked around for a bit taking pictures of the water fall (photo #7&8).

While walking around, an attack was planned to strike my legs. Twas a mighty battle and the other team was very brave, but it was me who had the last laugh. I literally screamed FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM after I won the war. My legs don't look bad now, but let's just say that at one point last night there were 48 tiny female mosquitoes feeding on one leg. I didn't take the time to count the bitches on the other leg. Instead, I started beating the living shit out of it. I wrote a song about it. The song is more of an inside joke with my sister, Michelle. Anyways, here's a little something something:

High above the valley-val, mountains made of clouds,
There sits Lisagirl, sitting oh so proudly.
Not much to say when you're high above the valley-val.
Yeah, yeah.
Lisaaaagirl, what is the secret of your power?
Lisagirl, won't you take me far away from the valley-val now?

Now it's time for me to tell you about Mosquito Man,
archrival and nemesis of Lisagirl, with powers comparable to Lisagirl.
What powers you ask? I dunno, how 'bout the power of the bite?
That do anything for ya? That's bloodsucking holmes.
How 'bout the power to drive ya crazy from itching, anywhere in the world
with their poison! That's outrageous, Michelle.
How 'bout the power... to scratch you?

History of Lisagirl and Mosquito Man,
Riggah-goo-goo, riggah-goo-goog.
A secret to be told, a gold chest to be bold,
And blasting forth with three-part harmony, go!
Lisagirrrrrl, what is the secret of your power?
Lisagirl, won't you take me far away from that valley-val man?

When Lisagirl and Mosquito Man joined forces;
they formed a band the likes of which have never been seen,
and they called themselves Itchy and Scratchy. That's right,
Me! And Mosquittie!
[mosquito man]: That's me.
We're now Itchhhyyy and Scratchy!
Come fly with me, fly!

Lisagirrrrl, what is the secret of your power?
Lisagirrl, won't you take me far away from the valley-val now,
Take my hand!
Mosquito man, we're gonna fly!
Bring out your broadsword.
There's the hydra.
Slice his throat!
And grab his scrote.
You take the high road,
I'll take the low.
There, the crevasse,
Fill it with your mighty saliva.


SuFiJeebus said...

Man, the view outside your house is so much better than mine. I walk out the front door and see a ghetto-ass vegetable garden in the front yard of the house across the street. If I look out my room window to behind the house, I usually see the neighbors arguing and screaming at each other. lol.

Unknown said...

you're wild
