Wednesday, September 3, 2008

we were aiming for the moon, we were shooting for the stars

I love falling asleep on beaches. I went to my secret, yet not really so secret, beach in Paia after work yesterday. After falling asleep for almost 2 hours, I went swimming in the ocean. What a fabulous way to wake up! Later on I had to head over to the hostel to help Dani move out.

Hanging out the bungalow used to feel comfortable. I would go there as if it were a safe haven. Just laying in the back on the hammocks and looking up at the blue sky would put my mind at ease while offering me a sweet, serene moment. Letting me forget all worries- past, present & future. Last night was a little different.

As I was eating some bananas from the banana tree (when I say 'some' I really mean I ate about 12 bananas. they just taste so good!), I got to thinking about that old saying "If these walls could talk..." and just wow. All I could think was "shit man, these walls have seen some of the most amazing people and some wild-ass parties." By the time I got around to the 5th banana, I couldn't help but realize that I was quite fortunate with the times I've spent staying/living there. There are people all over the world that I can happily call 'friends.' It's hard saying goodbye to these great people, but we have to help ourselves understand that it's not "goodbye forever" but more of a "see you later." People come out here for so many different reasons. The thing most of us have in common is we're not exactly sure what it is we're looking for and we have no idea how we're going to find it. Yet, we all seem to find ourselves through these wonderful friendships we create along our journey. We were never lost. We just needed to escape the everyday routine we were used to for so long. The same boring lifestyle that clouded our eyes and fogged up our view. There's something magical about this island. I'm sure I can speak for many people when I say that.

By the time I was on my 10th banana, it was getting closer to closing time. Erin and I were gonna take Daniele to the airport for her flight home. I played a quick round of guitar hero to show off my phenomenal HARD level skills- the song was Strutter. After failing the song, I stood up and blamed it on the 11th banana claiming "the bananas don't like Kiss, okay?" I don't think anyone bought it though. I played again on medium and managed to hit all the notes. My pride was back because well "oh, are you kidding? bananas looooove the Foo Fighters!"

All in all, it was a bittersweet night. I understand that the people I love are leaving for home and while the hostel may not be the same for me, it's just the way it goes. Nothing has changed at all. Amazing people come and go all of the time, and that's just how it's always going to be. On Sunday when I come home from Philly, I'll make my way to Little Beach. The bungaloids I know will be there with fresh faces, and I guarantee you that one of those faces will be another wonderful person. Yep, another wonderful person on a venture looking for something he/she doesn't fully realize is right inside of them.

To all of you on that journey: You don't know how lovely you are.

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